

Chemical Peeling for Removal of Dark Marks-PIH


Chemical peeling is one of the latest techniques to remove dark marks (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation) with the application of different AHA and BHA acids. In chemical peeling, a specific concentration of acid (the choice of acid and its concentration is made by the dermatologist based on your skin type) is applied to your affected skin area for some time. You will experience a tingling and stinging sensation during the application time. After 10 to 15 minutes, the dermatologist removes the acid once the frosting (whitening of skin) begins to appear on your application area. The frosting does not always necessarily appear in the case of glycolic acid but it should appear in the case of the application of salicylic acid.

It should be noted that if you start feeling much burning sensation after the application then ask the doctor to remove the acid immediately as chemical peeling can leave burn marks on your skin if left on the skin for too long. Some people have sensitive skin and despite the fact that patch testing with acids seems right, the real treatment feels slightly different when acids are applied to a larger part of the affected area. So, be careful about the sensations you feel during the treatment. If the burning feels too much then get the acid removed immediately otherwise it may damage the skin.

If you want to try a chemical peeling for your pigmentation then consider the following points before giving it a try:

  • If you have a PIH due to acne, then it is not recommended to try chemical peeling as it involves the application of acids, and most of the time the treatment leaves slight burn marks. For treatment of PIH due to acne, always use mild creams like skinoren (20%azealic acid), and glycol-aid (30% glycolic acid) etc.
  • If you have severe PIH due to any reason then it is always recommended to go for a chemical peeling and begin with the patch testing of different acids with different concentrations to achieve the peeling of the skin. Mostly, cosmetic surgeons offer this patch testing session free of cost.
  • There is nothing like mild peeling and deep peeling. As you have to get treated with acids so always ask the doctor to begin with a lower concentration of acid. It is better to get the treatment done in a prolonged time period than to get burn marks and make the condition worse in a short time. In the case of PIH, the application of higher concentration of acids damage the skin and most of the time worsens it.  
  • It should be noted that chemical peeling doesn’t work like a magic as it only peels the light layer of skin so 7 to 8 sessions are mostly required for changes in skin to become visible.
  • Once you get the chemical peel session, your skin looks darker than usual for some days. This darkness of the skin occurs due to dryness and redness caused by the acids.
  • A thin layer of skin begins to peel within two to three days after a session. So the use of high oil content moisturizer is needed to soothe the skin. I personally recommend ‘Sofner’ lotion to be used after the treatment as it is the best skin whitening and soothing moisturizer. For purchasing this moisturizer visit the link
  • After the treatment, do not apply any makeup on your skin, and do not go out in sun without sunscreen with SPF 60 or above. It should also be noted that sunblock also does not work like a wonder so if you intend to go outside after the treatment, apply the sunblock at least 30 minutes before stepping out of your place so that it gets enough time to absorb in the skin to provide the protective shield.
  • After the treatment, do not forcefully peel the skin even if it feels easy to be removed. This temptation of peeling can worsen the PIH. Give the skin time to peel and heal itself.
  • The time between two sessions must be 6 weeks so that the skin can heal before you go for the next session.
The best skin care centers in Lahore for providing chemical peel sessions are:
Pop up: If you have a query that whether I have ever tried the chemical peel sessions? The answer is yes. I have personally taken chemical peel sessions with a mixed combination of acids(30% glycolic acid and 30% salicylic acid) for 6 to 7 months to treat PIH that occurred due to waxing. I got the sessions in the above three centers but from the same doctor as my doctor used to visit these three hospitals. For getting more information on this topic, feels free to send me a private message. 

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  1. Good technique to get rid from skin problems
